YALE // was founded in 1989 by Val Blumenthal, Chairperson for 26 years assisted by Susan Kacev, Vice-Chair person.
The YALE Organisation (Young Adults Learning and Earning) was formed because an obvious need existed to cater for the intellectually disabled persons in our community. YALE gives such persons an opportunity to have meaningful employment, socialise with their peers, and maintain their dignity. At YALE, these people work with limited pressure under the staff’s supervision.
The first stage was to establish a work centre, which has been running for the past 26 years. Eight persons attended the initial session – today the centre caters for 24 full-time Yalers working from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm daily under the supervision of a director, assistant director, secretary, driver and 2 domestics.
A company not for gain was registered in January 1989, as the formal vehicle for the YALE operation.
The YALE Centre commenced operations by undertaking contract work such as: mail shots, packaging and assembling of various goods, etc. By far our most ambitious attempt was the purchase of a franchise to manufacture a high quality pet food. YALE now manufactures, packages, freezes, sells and delivers K9 Pet Food. We also offer a health pellet pet food Generations and K9 Pet Treats. The YALE Workshop continues to flourish.
It soon became evident that the type of person for whom we are catering would need long term care in a group home. In August 1990, a house for residential use was purchased, and the first Yalers moved into this group home, which they have now accepted as being their permanent residence. YALE House is supervised by a housemother and 2 domestics. 8 Yalers live there happily, with limited supervision. YALE House is a home from home where residents learn to live independently with their peers, without judgement and stigma.
Since our inception, the Yalers have progressed beyond our wildest dreams. Bearing in mind that these unfortunate young people had no quality of life, no friends and no permanent employment, they are, now confident, happy young people actively engaged in gainful employment and are an asset to the community and their families.
YALE is certainly a success story – an organisation with a HEART.