The past year was a real celebratory year.


We celebrated our 25th Anniversary, in style. A great dinner party at the workshop with casual dancing, was enjoyed by Yalers, family and friends. Each Yaler was presented with an engraved pen with their name and YALE logo. Valerie and Arnold Blumenthal presented these gifts to the Yalers.


Valentines day was a “loving event”. All “red and covered with hearts” dictated the day. The men sported bright red kisses on their foreheads , while the ladies had their “love flower chocolates”. So much love to share.


Purim came along with dress- up and Hammentashen. Merriment galore!


Mandela day was very special. YALE soup kitchen opened the doors to the many poor people on the streets, who collect the plastic and tins. They were so grateful and it warmed our hearts. Three knitted blankets made by the Yalers were presented to the 67 minute for Mandela Foundation. A few Yalers enjoyed the entertainment at the “Theatre on the Square” in Sandton.


Through the year, each Yaler celebrates their birthday at YALE with a tea. This is always so special!


Our well decorated Succah hosted family, friends and Yalers to teas and lunches. This amazing annual “outside shelter” is filled with so much love and warmth and the walls are adorned with all the Yalers handwork. A Chag so enjoyed.


And then Halloween approached – and this was a real “scary party”. Another in-house catering event and so much hilarity and merriment took place. The Yalers really” dressed up to kill”.


And then we are privileged to have Lodge Aviv and HOD sponsor 2 parties for us. WOW, these are dynamite parties.


Chanuka came along and our tea room was decorated with the amazing knitted doughnut table decorations. Again party time for all.

YALE closed for 3 weeks in December and re-opened in January 2015, and our work cycle began once again.


26th Anniversary was celebrated and the Yalers became “busy bees’ once again, working very hard in the busy workshop.

We planning our next Valentine bash on the 14th February 2015. This will be an evening of fun and entertainment and a sit down “in house” dinner. All have to wear read/pink for free entrance!!

As March approaches, YALE is gearing up to have a stall at the Sandton Convention Centre- South Africa- Israel Expo. This awareness exercise is geared at selling our goods and enlightening the public about YALE.

And then, we are all awaiting in anticipation for Loren’s 50th birthday bash at the HOD. This will be a formal event with many many guests.

The workshop/handcraft centre continues to produce much work and more importantly, much entertainment and good friendship.