Merle Sager // Director of YALE

My involvement as the Director of YALE over the past 25 years has been my journey of choice - and I would choose no other! Our main aim is to tap into the potential of every Yaler and endeavour to offer hope to those who have been challenged by adversity. We accept each person as unique individuals and believe in the ultimate worth of each Yaler. To work with these incredible individuals is an honour and a privilege - their kindness, willingness to learn and appreciation of their working environment, is a joy to behold. YALE is a place of growth and learning. These special people have slowly learnt how to integrate into the community without fear of rejection. After a short while at YALE, the Yalers begin to feel proud of themselves and develop a sense of accomplishment as they manage and master the new demands of the work.


Various companies provide us with work – some jobs more challenging than others, but eventually all Yalers are able to master many techniques required. We make work templates and adapt working tools to assist them.


Hand crafts
are undertaken and beautiful knitted toys, rug hooking and sewing are undertaken by the Yalers in our free time.
Baking/cooking – this is created in our Kosher kitchen, our most current being Challah making. Not just the technique is taught, but also the spiritual significance of each ingredient is discussed.
We have weekly discussions of news articles and newspaper events to keep the Yalers informed.
A parent volunteers early morning walks twice a week. We also have a mini gym where the Yalers do exercises.


Places of interest are visited eg The Anne Frank Exhibition, Constitution Hill and Gandhi’s House etc. The Yalers have had camping holidays – where fun was had by all.


This is promoted for the Yalers to have social interaction and to have fun with their peers. Socials, outings, parties are but a few of our regular activities. B’nai Brith invite us to their functions, which they love to participate in.


They are taught the basic skills of independent shopping for our teas and groceries, parties and functions, security awareness, road sense, responsibility for money, Kosher shopping and appropriate dress code for work and functions.


Yom Tovim are always special – the importance of each Chag is always discussed before and special teas are on hand for the Yalers and prepared by them. Our Succah is our pride and joy – we comfortably seat 30 people and the decorations and construction of the Succah is done by the Yalers.


We also have a small selection of goods to sell. These include handtowels, sets of dish cloths (Meat, Milk and Parev), Kaluki Scorers and Kippa clips, to mention but a few. We sell matching (all occasions) wrapping paper, packets and cards. Beautiful Le Chaim cards are available for a special function, where a donation is given to YALE in lieu of a gift.


23 years ago YALE purchased a franchise to manufacture a fresh, health pet food called K9 in our small factory. Many skills are learned here – preparation of vegetables, use of knives, shredding, weighing, labelling and packing etc. YALE also sells a healthy, dry pellet dog food made from chicken and ostrich called Generations as well as a variety of dog treats. The above are sold at different outlets – vets and supermarkets and is also available at the YALE premises – 2 George Avenue, Sandringham .